

Shyji K N

It gives me a great pleasure to be the team leader of this illustrious KV no.1 Kalpakkam. This school has produced some great stalwarts in society.
This school is rendering yeoman service to the society of Kalpakkam. We instil discipline and scholasticism amongst students, to prepare them for tertiary level education and life.
All our school activities provide man making education and leadership skills. It is no wonder that our students are a cut above the rest in society.
Academic performances of students are thoroughly analysed and action is taken to produce quality results. Parent-Teacher interactions are facilated to help the children.
The KV brand of education gives equal importance to co-curricular activities along with curricular activities. Our students take great pride in participating in CCA activities and sports and games.
In addition, there are KVS programmes for various activities at the cluster, regional and national levels to hone the skills of students.
Our students hog the limelight and bring honour and glory to our school.We wish all of you the very best.